Saturday, July 9, 2011

Last Days

The next day I was feeling great and it was the last day of camp. The nurse Alexandria, who I absolutely adore, made sure I was eating right and that I was feeling okay throughout the whole day! They are so hospitable. During small group we had some snacks and took lots of pictures with all our campers! It was a great last day.

After our evening snack we were all called back into the building where we have big group session for "surprises". All of the Americans went to the front of the room and we were quizzed on our team motto! I don't know if I mentioned this earlier, but we are each placed in a small group. Our small group is a "team". We have a name and motto and win points for our team all through the week. Our team name is "transformiere" which is Transformers! and YES I did know our motto! It is "Meh nie sozdane shtobe zdavatsa, me sozdane shtobe mienatsa!" which means "We were not made to give up, we were made to transform!" After that we each recieved a present from the moms. They made beaded leaves which they put on grapes and made into pins for us! They are absolutely amazing!

By the time this was all over, it was late and many people from the camp left instead of leaving the next morning. The pastor Meesha and his family (Anya, Amina, Dariy, and Amille) all left that night. It was especially hard saying goodbye to this wonderful family. Many many tears were shed while we said our final goodbyes. At this time I also said goodbye to my small group, because most of them do not wake up early enough the next morning to see us leave. The absolute hardest goodbye was to those who I have known for the past three years. Alohna, Nastia, Roma, Dasha, Oksana, Alexandria, Tanya... and so many more. I know that I will see these people again someday in Heaven, but that doesn't make saying goodbye any easier!

The next morning we left. Many of the staff and campers came out to say goodbye! Like always, they stood outside the bus and waved as we pulled away. Such a wonderful scene full of joy! These beautiful faces are so dear to me. I don't know what God has in store for me, but I do know that if I have the chance to go back to Ukraine in the future I will jump at the chance.

God works in incredible ways! This trip was the hardest trip out of the three for me, but God taught me more on this trip than all three as well. He taught me how to be humble and to be silent when necessary. He showed me his love and grace, His forgiveness and mercy. He showed me glimpses of himself.

A lot of times after mission trips people are on a "spiritual high". For me, I wouldn't call what I am experiencing a spiritual high... I am experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life more than ever before. This isn't just some high that will last for a couple weeks then leave. This is real. This is love. This is God working in me. I can't wait to see what He teaches me next.

Thank you to everyone who supported me to go on this trip! I am so blessed that you took time, energy, and money to help me experience Ukraine! I will never be able to express my thanks and utter gratitude towards you.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog! I hope the Lord has touched you, blessed you, shown you something new through reading this. I pray that God used me as a tool for His glory through this blog. I loved reading all of your comments during my time in Ukraine! They were such an encouragement to me!

Love you all!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We Worship the Same God!

Today was a rough day. I woke up around 5 AM and was sick. I have never gotten sick in Ukraine before so it was very frustrating not being able to be with the campers because tomorrow is the last day at camp. I was so sick that I had to stay in bed most of the day trying to get better while Oksana and the nurse took special care of me. They are such a blessing and God shines through them constantly. I went outside twice today and both times awesome things happened. First was morning session and I sat outside because it was very hot in the room. During this time Dasha and Marika played with my hair! It was absolutely precious.

Then we went to small group and the sisters Olya and Yulia said they wanted to accept Christ as their Savior. Our leader, Vova, asked them why they need to be saved and they did not know. They said they had never done anything wrong. It was heartbreaking to see them so close to the peace of Christ and yet not get it. Please be praying for them as they continue to learn that we are all sinners in need of a savior and an understanding of their own sin and separation from God.

After small group I went back to bed. Around 10 PM we usually have a team meeting. I woke up and no one was there, so I got dressed and went to find them. The Ukrainians and Americans were worshiping God together as they gathered around candles formed in the shape of a cross. I joined them and was overwhelmed by God's love and grace. Hearing different languages and seeing different races worship the same God is a most powerful experience. We are the body of Christ. Brothers and sisters through our Lord. I wish I could explain how incredibly amazing it is to worship like this!

God is powerful and mighty and worthy to be praised! After this experience there is no way that anyone can deny the love of Christ.
Love you all!

P.S. Late afternoon, Kerry and the girls in my room prayed over me that I would get over my sickness and be strong tomorrow and on the trip home. I thank God for our incredible group!

Dasha Melts My Heart

Hey friends!
Yesterday it was raining nonstop. It was also very cold but we got through it! One of my highlights was a little girl named Dasha. She was in my group the first year I came here. Her older brother is Roma and I am sure I posted about him last year. But anyway, she used to hate being away from her mom. Last year she was better but still very closed off. This year however, she is the biggest joy. She is always laughing and having fun with us. She especially loves Tyler. She is always with him and holding his hand. Tyler is so good with her. Tyler and I have been on this 3 year Ukraine journey together and I am so amazed at how much he has grown since the first year. He loves these people and is continually being the hands and feet of Jesus. I am very blessed to have gotten to know him so well. He really is like an older brother to me.

Anyway, back to the point, Dasha melts my heart! Haha! An awesome thing that happened today was completely unexpected. It was raining and we had to get from the session building to the dining hall. I knew that I would not be able to push her so I asked Sanchez to help me. we were pushing Yulia, one of the sisters who has not opened up and never really smiles. So Sanchez decides to go through the grass instead of staying on the path because it is faster. It was so bumpy and Yulia just splits a gut! She could not stop laughing. it wasn't just a small laugh either, it was a belly roll! Haha, I have not seen her so happy all week. It was so awesome to see her finally break down and let us see herself. Anyway, what an awesome day!

Love you and missing your all! Oh, and thank you everyone for the blog comments! You are so encouraging and helping me get through the day!

P.S. Lindsey, I wish that you could see Dasha! She has grown so much. I love you and miss you not being by my side.

Blessed In Giving

Sunday, June 26, was quite an adventure. Haha! The camp was muddy because it rained the night before so there were not many activities. However, during our break time, Taras took us to a World War II bomb shelter. It is about a 15 minute walk from camp through the woods and up a hill. it was so much fun to goof around with the team! Anyway, it was very fun. I adore these Ukrainians and I wish I could stay for much longer. Their hospitality continues to blow my mind!

About and hour after we got back from the shelter, the whole team (plus Taras) left to have dinner at Pastor Peter's house. He is the pastor of the church in "the village" and has a heart for God like none I have ever seen! During prayers he would shout "hallelujah" and "amen", haha it was wonderful. So his house is barely big enough to fit us all in the dining room and the small "library" (I don't know what to call it), but we were served the most delicious dinner ever! Not only that but the food kept on coming. Each time he brought more food we thought "okay that's the end of it" but sure enough there was always more! We were so full that we could barely move.

Pastor Peter then blessed us all and gave us each 4 bars of chocolate, a box of sweets and homemade honey. It was incredible! He kept telling us that he was so blessed to have us in his home. I can't even understand this! His wife spent all week preparing food, they probably spent way more money than they could afford and yet he said that he was the one who was blessed! Wow! God is so awesome!

Love you all!